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St. Vincent de Paul: Santa Clara County

St. Vincent de Paul Santa Clara County

Parish Conferences

The smallest unit of our organization is the Parish Conference. Each conference serves a territory determined by the geographical boundary of that Catholic Church parish. Zip codes provided below only approximate those geographical boundaries. If you need assistance, call the number of the conferences closest to your location. If after reviewing the list you do not find Parish coverage in your area please call the council office at 408-249-2853.

North County Conferences

Conference Service Area Telephone Number
Our Lady of Peace, Santa Clara 95054, 95117, 95002, 94089, 95134 669 208-3429
Resurrection, Sunnyvale 94087 408 773-6185
St. Athanasius, Mountain View 94039, 94043, 94040 650 562-1000
St. Cyprian, Sunnyvale 94086 408 212-4682
St. Joseph, Mountain View 94041 650 967-3831
St. Lawrence, Santa Clara 95051, 95050, 94085 408 296-3000
St. Martin, Sunnyvale 94086, 94087, 94089, 94085 408 736-3725
St. Simon, Los Altos 94024, 94040 650 967-8311
St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto 94301, 94306 650 424-8155
Holy Korean Martyrs, San Jose 95122 408-800-7942

Central County Conferences

Conference Service Area Telephone Number
Queen of Apostles, San Jose 95117, 95129 408 253-7560
St. Clare, Santa Clara 95050, 95053 408 248-7786
St. Lucy, Campbell 95008 408 378-8086
St. Martin of Tours, San Jose 95128, 95117 408 439-0342
St. Mary, Los Gatos 95030, 95032 408 354-3726 (x134)

South/East County Conferences

Conference Service Area Telephone Number
Christ the King, San Jose 95111, 95138 408 427-8006
Holy Family, San Jose 95136, 95123, 95118, 95125 408 265-4040
St. Catherine, Morgan Hill 95037 408 778-2928
St. Elizabeth, Milpitas 95035, 95132 408 205-4359
St. John Vianney, San Jose 95127 408 535-0404
Most Holy Trinity, San Jose 95121, 95122, 95127, 95148 408 729-0101 (x323)
St. Victor, San Jose 95132, 95131 669 238-7769

Interactive version of our conference locator using Google Maps

First, review the instructions below. When you are comfortable with the instructions click the SVdP Conference Finder Map link at the bottom. If you do not find a Conference in your area please visit the Other Resources section listed under our If You Need Help tab or call our Council office at 408-249-2853.

How to Find a St. Vincent de Paul Santa Clara County Conference
1. Open the interactive map by clicking the SVdP Conference Finder Map link.
2. Click on the Search Icon (Magnifying Glass).
3. Enter your address and click on it when it appears below the enter area.
4. A small red dot will indicate the location of the address.
5. Zoom out using the + and – boxes on the map.
6. Click anywhere in the area outlined in color.
7. Gray areas do not have a St. Vincent de Paul Conference

Link to SVdP Conference Finder Map.