Spring Appeal

See the Faces of the Poor
Dear Friend of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
As we celebrate the joys of this Easter Season, we ask you to remember people who are living in poverty. We do not need to travel to remote locations to see them; they are living in our community.
Perhaps you have met Ron. He is an 80 year old widower who lost his beloved wife 2 years ago. His income from Social Security was reduced. As rent and utility costs have continued to increase, he has been surviving by using his savings to cover all of his expenses. He is actively seeking employment but that can be challenging with his age and health. He was at risk of losing his housing so he humbly contacted SVdP to ask for assistance. SVdP paid his rent which has given him time to investigate other services for seniors. We pray for his future security.
Meet Mari. She is a single mother of 3 children and working 2 jobs to support her family. When her car broke down a few weeks ago, she could not work and was unable to pay for both rent and car repairs. When she contacted SVdP she was desperate. How would she support her children? SVdP assisted with the car repair and rent. She is back at work and continuing to pay her bills.
The latest US Census estimates that over 140,800 people in Santa Clara County are living in poverty… just one step away from being un-housed. Last year SVdP provided over $1,495,200 in financial assistance to families in our local community for rent, utility bills, transportation, and food. We need your help to continue our work and respond to requests from struggling families. We are reaching out to graciously ask you to “see the faces of the poor” and give what you are able so no family needing our help will be turned away.
One hundred percent of all donations collected before May 31, 2024 will go directly to needy families. No funds will be used for administrative expenses.
Please mail your donation to: Society of St. Vincent de Paul of SCC
P.O. Box 5579
San Jose, CA 95150
If you wish to donate securely online, [Click Here]
Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Santa Clara County Council
SVdP is a registered tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Council Office: 408-249-2853 E-mail: info@svdp.org Website: www.svdp.org
EIN: 94-1358301